Maria Andrei
Your Artistic Director
I discovered the wonderful world of Fashion about 18 years ago and I never looked back. Since then, I have spent time in front and behind the camera be it, photo camera or video camera and I have accumulated a wealth of experience yet remained modest, patient, perseverant and hard working - key traits for this industry, while learning from everyone I have worked with.
My works
Featured Services
Orange, Vodafone, Connex, Cosmote, Romtelecom, Zapp, Toyota, Renault, Lexus, Nokian Tyres, etc
Top Romanian artists Inna, Antonia, Play&Win;, Vunk, Ellie White, Raluka, Claudia Pavel, etc.
Top Romanian magazines Cosmopolitan, Beau Monde, FHM, Burda, Eve, Bfresh, Femeia, Mami, Auto Motor si Sport, etc.
My projects / Artistic Director
My projects / Wardrobe Designer
Client: Gerovital Agentie: The Candy Shop Regizor: Justin Kramer Producator: Elena Nitu Wardrobe designer: Maria Andrei Actor: Ane Marie Bontea
Regie: Bogdan Bărbulescu DOP: Andrei Băltărețu Agenție: The Candy Shop Producător: Elena Nițu Wardrobe designer: Maria Andrei
Client – Gerovital Agentie – The Candy Shop Regizor – Bogdan (Bobo) Barbulescu Producator – Elena Nitu Wardrobe Design – Maria Andrei
My projects / Fashion Director
Concursul NIVEA Powder Touch „Dubla atingere” s-a incheiat iar cele trei castigatoare s-au bucurat de o experienţă de shopping cu stilistul Maria Andrei. “NIVEA Powder Touch, primul de la NIVEA cu pudră fină de caolin: uscare rapidă, protecţie eficientă împotriva transpiraţiei timp de 48 de ore si o piele irezistibil de catifelată!”.
Winston Fashion Director for the Brand Ambassadors Lookbook (2012, 2013, 2014) Camel Fashion Director for the Brand Ambassadors Lookbook (2012, 2013, 2014) Glamour Fashion Director (2012, 2013) Glamttitude Sursa: Agentie – Draft FCB Rochie – BCBG Max Azria Incaltaminte – Le Silla, Distinto Boutique Glamour Shopping with Glamour in Milan (2013) Shopping with Glamour in…
Cover Story: Flavia Mihasan – May 2014 Alice Peneaca – April 2014 Antonia – March 2014 Gabriela Cristea – January/February 2014 Magda Palimariu – December 2013 Diana Dumitrescu – November 2013 Iuliana Luciu – October 2013 Ruby – September 2013 Laura Cosoi – July/August 2013 Andreea Marin – May 2013 Ilinca Vandici – March 2013 Adela Popescu – December 2012…